Driving While Intexticated
Driving while intexticated is becoming a regular thing now a
days. Adults and teens are getting behind the wheel of a vehicle and texting
while driving. Some people don’t think that texting and driving is a problem.
Here are some statistics that might change your mind:
77% of young adults are confident
that they can text and drive safely. But yet, when people text and drive they
take their eyes off the road for a minimum of five seconds. If the car was
traveling at 55 mph, then the driver of the car was not looking at the road for
a length of an entire football field. Teens who text while driving spend 10% of
their driving time outside of their line and that makes a crash 23 times more
likely to happen.
So what is the government doing to curb the temptation to
text and drive? In Illinois, it is illegal to talk on cell phones while driving
and it’s also illegal to text while driving. The fine for texting or talking on
a cell phone while driving starts at $75 and goes up $25 dollars for each
Parents need to take the first step by leading by example
and not texting and driving. Be safe and
just pull over off the road to read or send that text message.